The objective for this course is to develop an understanding of low-speed aerodynamics and an introduction to compressible flows. The course covers concepts in incompressible airfoil theory, including symmetric and cambered airfoils using analytical and numerical approaches. The course also covers incompressible wing theory, including down wash, lifting-line theory, elliptic wings, general twisted wings, application of fundamentals to the design of a wing to meet given performance criteria. Finally, the course covers topics in elementary gas dynamics, including expansion waves and shock waves, as well as thin airfoils in compressible flows.

Aerospace / Aeronautical / Astronautical Science and Engineering
航空航天工程学(Aerospace Engineering)是航空工程学与航天工程学的总称,涉及航空飞行器与航天飞行器有关的工程领域。它包含固体力学、流体力学(特别是空气动力学)、航天动力学、天体力学、热力学、导航、航空电子、自动控制、电机工程学、机械工程、通信工程、材料科学和制造等领域。 航空航天科学技术是20世纪兴起的现代科学技术,自其形成以来,一直汲取基础科学和其他应用科学领域的最新成就,高度综合了工程技术的最新成果,并引领许多学科专业的发展,甚至促成某些专业的形成。