English Writing is taught with these specific goals in mind – to develop students` English writing ability in a variety of forms, instill confidence and excitement in their writing ability, and improve their capacity to express thoughts and opinions through the written word. The course focuses on developing essay writing skills involving order, logic, efficiency and purpose. Students will become familiar with the types of essays most utilized in academic and literary writing, discuss a variety of important issues we face every day in life, and enhance their ability to share ideas through writing and classroom discussion. The course will explore the key features writers employ to effectively express ideas and connect with their audiences.
English and English Literature
在国内本科专业设置中,英语专业属于文学门类中的外国语言文学类专业,本科生毕业后一般授予文学学士学位。外国语言文学类下设的专业有:英语及其他外语语种、翻译、商务英语等,但开设院校最多的是英语专业。英语专业着重培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和比较广泛的科学文化知识,能在外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的英语高级专门人才。 由于院校的培养目标不同,英语专业的授课内容也略有区别。 在本科英语专业的学习中,侧重基本功的训练。课程内容包括:基础英语、高级英语(有些学校两者统称综合英语)、语音、语法、口语、听力、泛读、写作、英语国家概况、英美文学、英汉互译、口译、笔译等。其他还有第二外语、专业选修课、商务英语或教育英语等。英语专业在基础学习阶段以培养学生的听、说、读、写四项基本能力为主,并进行严格的语言基本功训练。在学习后期,各高校根据培养侧重不同,会对课程内容进行细分,如增加师范、外贸或翻译相关的专业课程。当然,有的学校为扩展学生的知识面还增设了旅游英语、工程英语或法律英语等专项课程。