The course of Human Resource Management(HRM) is the science of a set of theories, principles and methods of developing ,improving human resources quality, as well as how to use human resource reasonably. It is amajor foundation course that trains students the basic theories, knowledge and abilities related to human resource management. Its main contents include HRM overview,HRM strategy and planning, job analysis, staff recruitment, human resource performance evaluation and assessment, compensation system, employee relations, and etc.

Human Resource Management
人力资源管理专业研究的是通过合理的人员组织、甄选、培训和调配,以及人员工作心理和行为的控制与激励等方面的管理工作,使得企业组织做到事得其人、人尽其才、人事相宜。 本专业培养具有较为深厚的心理学、经济学、管理学等学科基础知识与分析方法,熟练掌握人力资源管理的各种理论和技术,能独立从事人力资源管理不同功能模块方案设计、操作和实施的应用型专门人才。

Management Science and Engineering