General Management is a fundamental course for students of management, also an extension course for non-management students. The course will take perspectives of management need, managers, and management process, focus on the framework of management goal, process, and effectiveness, following the lines of institution, decision, planning, motivation, control, cost, change, and mechanism; defining related scope, functions, and rules; investigating theoretical and practical issues; utilizing exercises, simulation, and other types of activities and discussion, with the aim of helping students improve managerial knowledge, practice their managerial capabilities, and grasp managerial laws by taking advantage of multiple angles of material architecture and mechanism.
The goal of this course is to help students understand management of fundamental scope, theory, and methodologies; help students improve the abilities of defining, analyzing, and solving problems; help students prepare a foundation for learning subsequent courses; help non-management students equip themselves with management knowledge.
The content of this course include management need in globalization; managers, management activities, and management goal; mission, directions, and functions of institutions; design of organizational structure and staffing; problems, routine, and non-routine decisions; goal and planning; team behavior, negotiation, and motivation in operations; standardization, process control, and information system; cost/ benefit of management and performance evaluation; environmental challenges and organizational change; the science and art sides of managerial mechanism; managerial thoughts of leaders and their development.

Management Science and Engineering
Decision Science
Financial Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Social Work
Management Science and Engineering
Public Management
Operations Management
Strategic Management
Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Public Affairs
Public Policy Analysis
Mineral Engineering
Textile and Light Industry
Arts Management
Management Psychology
Public Manangement
Publishing Management
Quality Control and Management
Strategic Management
Logistics management
Fudamentals of Human Factors
Local Government
Managing business process
Media Operation and Management
Operations Management
Organization and Management
Production Planning and Control
Entrepreneurial Management
Strategic Marketing Management
Government Economic
Administration of Public Safety
Human Resource Management
Management Information System
Project Management
Public Administration
Technology and Innovation Management
Brand Management




管理 : 管理是指在特定的环境条件下, 以人为中心通过计划, 组织, 指挥, 协调, 控制及创新等手段, 对组织所拥有的人力, 物力, 财力, 信息等资源进行有效的决策, 计划, 组织, 领导, 控制, 以期高效的达到既定组织目标的过程.
社会责任 : 社会责任是指一个组织对社会应负的责任. 一个组织应以一种有利于社会的方式进行经营和管理. 社会责任通常是指组织承担的高于组织自己目标的社会义务.
管理决策 : 管理决策是为了实现战略决策而对企业内部管理进行有效的组织、协调,使企业的生产技术经济活动正常进行的一种决策。其中包括劳动组织的调整,重要的人事调配,资金的运用,设备的选择,年底生产经营计划的制定、现代管理科学的方法等方面的决策。