This lecture course – INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY is designed to present students with a general knowledge of Psychology, including its definition, research methods, and main research domains: i.e., sensation and perception, learning, memory, language and thought, consciousness, intelligence, personality, emotion, motivation, psychological disorders and intervention, social cognition, interpersonal processes, and other topics will be discussed in this lecture. The course is accessible to all the undergraduates except the Psychology majors, who will be admitted to specific curriculum. Therefore, the professor and teaching assistants will concentrate on introducing full-range while elementary phenomena and researches, instead of investigating selected domains or topics in depth. In the end of the semester, students are expected to acquire an understanding of primary concepts, theories and methodologies in general psychology. Moreover, the interest developed in this course may lead students to apply the psychological theories to daily life and get prepared for advanced courses.

心理学是一门研究人类及动物的心理现象、精神功能和行为的科学,既是一门理论学科也是一门应用学科,包括理论心理学与应用心理学两大领域。 心理学研究涉及知觉、认知、情绪、人格、行为、人际关系、社会关系等许多领域,也与日常生活的许多领域——家庭、教育、健康、社会等发生关联。心理学一方面尝试用大脑运作来解释个体基本的行为与心理机能,同时,心理学也尝试解释个体心理机能在社会行为与社会动力中的角色;同时它也与神经科学、医学、生物学等科学有关,因为这些科学所探讨的生理作用会影响个体的心智。
Abnormal Psychology
Organizational Psychology
Physiologic psychology
Psychological Assessment
Educational Psychology
Educational Statistics
Experiments of Experimental Psychology
Psychology of Development
Criminal Psychology
Modern educational technology
Psychological research method-using Matlab
Cognitive Psychology
Criminal psychological test technology
Developmental Psychology




意识 : 现代心理学界对意识的理解分为广义和狭义两种.广义意识概念认定,意识是赋予现实的心理现象的总体,是个人直接经验的主观现象,表现为知、情、意三者的统一.狭义意识概念则指人们对外界和自身的觉察与关注程度.
感觉 : 感觉是人脑对直接作用于感觉器官的客观事物个别属性的反映。人类在生存的过程中时刻都在感知自身存在的外部环境,感觉就是客观事物的各种特征和属性通过刺激人的不同的感觉器官引起兴奋,经神经传导反映到大脑皮层的神经中枢,从而产生的反应,而感觉的综合就形成了人对这一事物的认识及评价。
知觉 : 知觉是一系列组织并解释外界客体和事件的产生的感觉信息的加工过程。换句话说,知觉是客观事物直接作用于感官而在头脑中产生的对事物整体的认识。知觉有这样几个特性:整体性、恒常性、意义性、选择性。