This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of information services, which are defined broadly as the activities in which information professionals engage to connect people to the information they need, including information needs assessment, direct information provision, information literacy instruction, and intermediation for all stages of the information search process. Emphasis is placed on the roles played by information professionals to help diverse users define and negotiate their information needs, navigate user-system interfaces,formulate effective search strategies for information retrieval, and evaluate and select
information. Attention is also given to the skills necessary to plan for, implement, and evaluate the delivery of information services in a wide variety of organizational contexts. The ethical foundations of information services are also considered.
Information Systems
信息系统,有时和信息管理合并为一个专业,就是通过学习计算机技术和管理学,竞争情报等学科知识,通过计算机技术对海量的数据进行收集和信息处理,使之成为有用的信息,然后通过科学的统计学原理对信息的过滤和分析进而形成知识,最终目的就是运用所获取的知识来做出正确的决策。从信息系统的发展和系统特点来看,可分为数据处理系统(Data Processing System,简称DPS)、管理信息系统(Management Information System,简称MIS)、决策支持系统(Decision Sustainment System, 简称DSS)、专家系统(人工智能的一个子集)和虚拟办公室(Office Automation,简称OA)五种类型。