Introduction of difference and definition of engineering disciplines; use of problem solving methods by engineers, as building-up of high performance team, innovative thinking; and ethics and social responsibilities of engineers. Historical development and future trends of the profession, definition of IE, IE curriculum, what is system design, IE career and roles in industry, logistics industries and system, facility planning, material handling, manufacturing industries, mode of production system, production planning and control.
Field of Study
Industrial Engineering
工业工程是对人、物料、设备、能源、和信息等所组成的集成系统,进行设计、改善和实施的一门学科,它综合运用数学、物理、和社会科学的专门知识和技术,结合工程分析和设计的原理与方法,对该系统所取得的成果进行确认、预测和评价。 工业工程专业培养的学生具有经济、管理和系统工程的理论与方法,同时具备扎实的专业工程技术,是从事工业工程和管理的高级专业技术和管理人才。
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