This course teaches macroeconomics at the intermediate level. It elaborates on the main macro economics topics including national income, money and inflation, unemployment, business cycles and economics growth. The basic analytical framework such as the IS-LM model is taught through which the key macro economic variables and their interactions can be studied. The course also discusses government economic policies and their implications. As time permits, a brief introductory to modern macroeconomics theories will be given.
经济学是一门对产品和服务的生产、分配以及消费进行研究的社会科学,注重的是研究经济行为者在一个经济体系下的行为,以及他们彼此之间的互动,即人类经济活动的规律。 在现代,经济学的教材通常将这门领域的研究分为宏观经济学和微观经济学。微观经济学检视一个社会里基本层次的行为,包括个体的行为者以及与市场的互动。而宏观经济学则分析整个经济体和其议题,包括失业、通货膨胀、经济成长、财政和货币政策等。
Financial Risk Management
Industrial Economics
International Economics
International Finance and International Financial Management
Time Series Analysis
Economic Growth Theory
Development Economics
International Finance
Money and Finance
Theory of Industrial Organization
Business Talk
Labor Economics
International Trade