Operational research focuses on the basic rules that how human beings use and operate different resources, in order to optimize the profits of limited resources. As a domain about optimization and decision making, operational research plays an important role in economics, science and technology, industry, management, military, etc., and thus highly recognized by higher education systems all over the world. The course will introduce linear programming, transportation, integer programming, graph and network analysis, dynamic programming, decision analysis, game theory, forecasting, optimization, and these contents may increase students` interests on further study in the domain of operational research.
The course presents the fundamental ideas and methods used in operational research, which are expected to lead students to use them when facing various real world problems, to determine objects, establish schemes, build models, and obtain solutions, so that they can survive in drastic competitions of this information era.

Operations Management
运营管理,对应国外的Operations Management,包括了运营过程的计划、组织、实施和控制,是与产品生产和服务创造密切相关的各项管理工作的总称。运营管理是现代企业管理科学中最活跃的一个分支,也是新思想、新理论大量涌现的一个分支。运营管理的对象是运营过程和运营系统。 运营过程是一个投入、转换、产出的过程,是一个劳动过程或价值增值的过程,它是运营的第一大对象,运营必须考虑如何对这样的生产运营活动进行计划、组织和控制。运营系统是指上述变换过程得以实现的手段。它的构成与变换过程中的物质转换过程和管理过程相对应,包括一个物质系统和一个管理系统。 现代管理理论认为,企业管理按职能分工,其中最基本的也是最主要的职能是财务会计、技术、生产运营、市场营销和人力资源管理。这五项职能既是独立的又是相互依赖的,正是这种相互依赖和配合才能实现企业的经营目标。企业的经营活动是这五大职能有机联系的一个循环往复的过程,企业为了达到自身的经营目的,上述五大职能缺一不可。 企业运营管理要控制的主要目标是质量、成本、时间和柔性。它们是企业竞争力的根本源泉。因此,运营管理在企业经营中具有重要的作用。