"Statistics Added Experimental Designs for Biology " includes 10 chapters and four modules. The first module includes the development of experiment program, the principles of experiment design, the channels of error control , field experiment design and the acquisition of experiment data. The second module includes the theory distribution of the population, the sampling distribution of statistic data, and the theory distribution of statistic data. The third module includes the u- test and t- test, the statistical analysis of the frequency data, analysis of variance and multiple comparisons and the statistical analysis of the single-factor and multiple-factor experiment results. The fourth module mainly includes linear, multiple regression and correlation.
This curriculum is based on the Advanced Mathematics and the Applied Mathematics (including the probability theory and linear algebra) and includes many concepts, abstract theory, refined system and strong practicality, complex formulas, and a large amount of symbols and computation. " Statistics Added Experimental Designs for Biology " is suitable for the students of animal science, fishery science professional and so on.

Animal Science
动物科学专业是生命科学的重要分支。 它的基本任务是在认识和掌握动物遗传变异, 生长发育, 繁殖消化代谢等生命规律的基础上, 为人类提供质优量多的动物产品。 动物科学旨在满足人们日益增长的高档肉类饮食需求, 主要进行动物营养与饲养, 饲料资源开发, 饲料配方与饲料工艺设计, 以及饲料与饲养企业管理的研究。 通过大量的动物实验和畜禽生产实践, 了解兔子, 小白鼠, 马, 牛, 猪, 鸡甚至猫和犬等动物的生理特点和生活习性, 并学习对其进行饲养管理, 帮助它们繁殖后代等等的科学方法。 研究生产绿色肉食品的课题非常热门。