The course is one of the important branches of mathematical statistics. It is the subject of studying how to effectively draw out a sample for collecting data and how to interference and analysize all kinds of indexes of the collectivity. This course is ready to systematically introduce simple random sampling, unequal probability sampling, stratified sampling, multistage sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, two-phase resampling and their corresponding statistical inference methods, and also to discuss some popular problems in the sampling applications. The techniques have broadly been applied in natural sciences and social sciences.
统计学主要利用概率论建立数学模型,收集所观察系统的数据, 进行量化的分析、总结,并进而进行推断和预测,为相关决策提供依据和参考。 它以数学作为基本工具,但又比数学更有实际用途,可以对生活中大量的无序的数据进行分析,找出它们的规律,从而为研究、决策提供基本的依据 。