With analytic mechanics, many topics of kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems are introduced. The course Mainly includes: constraints of motion, generalized coordinates, degrees of freedom, principle of virtual work. For fixed-point motion of rigid body, the Euler angles and Euler Equations of kinematics are introduced; and more, parallel planar motion, fixed-axis motion and general motion of rigid bodies are also presented. The equations of motion in non-inertial reference frame and their application are discussed. Lagrangian and Lagrange equations are introduced, and as their applications, central force motions and small oscillations for multi-degrees of freedom mechanical systems are discussed. Center of mass and reference frame of center of mass for many particle systems are presented. Dynamical laws of the particle groups are discussed, and the laws are used to solve mechanical problems. For rigid body dynamics, the inertia tensor and Euler dynamical equation are introduced. From the Lagrange equations of motion, we deduce the canonical equations of motions, the conservations of some mechanical quantities of mechanical systems are discussed. Finally, we discuss the Poisson brackets and Hamilton`s principle and Hamilton-Jacobi equation.