区域研究学横向上来看是对各个区域历史、经济、政治、文化、社会生态的研究,纵向上来说横跨人文科学和社会科学两大领域,其中前者的细分方向为语言学、文学、历史学、戏剧影视艺术研究 ...

Institutes :Renmin University of China

Institutes :The Second Military Medical University


高柏教授博士毕业后一直在杜克大学任教,于2000 年获得终身教职任副教授,于2003 年起任正教授。高柏曾经获得普林斯顿大学 Marion Levy 比较研究奖,以及Woodrow Wilson Fellow。他的研究分别两次受到美国社会科学委员会与日本国际交流基金的赞助。
Institutes :Duke University

Institutes :University of Wisconsin - Madison

Leo Ching
加州大学圣地亚哥分校日本文学博士,现为杜克大学亚非语言文学系教授。是杰出的日本/台湾地区后殖民研究学者,他的研究主要围绕两个主题:日本帝国研究和大众文化研究。Leo Ching的代表作《成为日本人:殖民台湾的身份形成政治》,提出台湾本土的身份意识形成于日本殖民时期,可被看做大陆溃败之时的一个可行政治选择。
Institutes :Duke University
English Writing is taught with these specific goals in mind – to develop students` English writing ability in a variety of forms, instill confidence and excitement in their writing ability, and improve their capacity to express thoughts and opinions through the written word. The course focuses on developing essay writing skills involving order, logic, efficiency and purpose. Students will become familiar with the types of essays most utilized in academic and literary writing, discuss a variety of important issues we face every day in life, and enhance their ability to share ideas through writing and classroom discussion. The course will explore the key features writers employ to effectively express ideas and connect with their audiences.
Along with dimensions of men & women,messages and media, this coursre generally introduce basic branches of journalism & communication studies, such as intropersonal communication, interpersonal communication, small group communication, verbal and nonverbal communication and mass communication. It focuses on technical development and organizational production of mass media. Normative theories and social science research on mass media are also introduced.
The goal of International Organization course is that students develop a theoretical as well as practical understanding of international organizations (IOs) and the global problems they attempt to address. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to articulate the leading explanations within political science for why IOs exist, controversies surrounding IOs in the context of international relations theory, why they are thought to help solve global problems, and the major challenges IOs face in meeting their objectives. Students should also be able to apply theoretical arguments from the IR literature to several specific cases.
This course provides a broad overview of managing information system resources. This course will discuss planning, organizing, controlling, and the administration of information systems.
this course introduce chinese present major assues systemly, including Fourcondinal Principles,chinese present goverment, chinese ligislative system,chinese political culture, refourmof the politicle system , citizens` basic political rights and so so. passing through this course,the students will be to have a explicit and comprehansive understand for the chinese present major assues.
International law is the law of nations. Countries are subject to international law in much the same way that people are subject to domestic law. It imposes specific obligations and rights on nations, just as domestic law imposes them on individuals. Its purpose is similar to that of domestic law: eliminate international disorder by stipulating how states should behave towards each other.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students some basic concepts and some process of contemporary international plitics, particular its complex and progresses of global change and reforms.