计算机工程所研究的内容包罗万象,其专业学科也越发广泛。因此计算机工程专业并没有一个完全限定的范围。就目前而言,计算机工程专业主要包括:软件工程、编程原理、数据结构与算法、网络编程、微处理器和接口 ...
计算机处理器是解释和执行指令的功能单元,也称为中央处理器或cpu,它是计算机的中枢神经系统,与处理器和内存周围被称为外设的设备形成对比,如键盘、显示器、磁盘、磁带机等都是外设。每一种处理器都有一套独特的操作命令,可称为处理器的指令集,如存储、调入等之类都是操作命令。计算机的设计者喜欢将计算机称为机器,因此,指令集有时也称为机器指令,编写这些指令的二进制语言也叫机器语言。中央处理器(英文Central Processing Unit,CPU)是一台计算机的运算核心和控制核心。
软件工程是一门研究用工程化方法构建和维护有效的、实用的和高质量的软件的学科。它涉及程序设计语言、数据库、软件开发工具、系统平台、标准、设计模式等方面。 在现代社会中,软件应用于多个方面。典型的软件有电子邮件、嵌入式系统、人机界面、办公套件、操作系统、编译器、数据库、游戏等。同时,各个行业几乎都有计算机软件的应用,如工业、农业、银行、航空、政府部门等。这些应用促进了经济和社会的发展,也提高了工作效率和生活效率 。
人工智能专家,中国工程院院士,中将 ,北京大学信息科学技术学院教授。何新贵长期从事计算机软件和人工智能的理论研究和工程实践工作。
Institutes :Fudan University
Institutes :Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
James A. Bain
Professor James A. Bain received his B.S. (1988) in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and his M.S. (1991) and Ph.D. (1993), also in Materials Science and Engineering, from Stanford University. He is a professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department of Carnegie Mellon University. He also holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and is associate director of the Data Storage Systems Center (DSSC).
Institutes :Carnegie Mellon University
Anant Agarwal
Anant Agarwal is the CEO of edX, an online learning destination founded by Harvard and MIT. Anant taught the first edX course on circuits and electronics from MIT, which drew 155,000 students from 162 countries. He has served as the director of CSAIL, MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and is a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT.
Institutes :Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This course mainly introduces the architecture and interfaces of the embedded system based on ARM9. The content of this course includes the development of the embedded system, the architecture of ARM9, the instructions set of the ARM9, the memory system and its interfaces, the interrupt mechanism, the DMA mechanism, the timing component, the I/O ports, the asynchronous serial interface, the network interface, the human-machine interface, and an example of designing the whole embedded system, etc.
This course is a core course of Computer Science and Technology class, which aims to let students have profound understanding on design and implementation techniques of programming languages, and understand some programming language related theories, then apply the concepts and techniques discussed in this course to software design and development. This course introduces the general principles and basic implementation methods for compiler design, including knowledge of logical phases within a classical compiler, such as lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, intermediate code generation, code optimization, code generation, and so on. Moreover, this course emphasizes formal description techniques on compiler design, using syntax directed definitions as the main descriptive tools for translations. As a course of principles, this course prefers to introduce the basic theories and methods for compiler construction, rather than partial to some specific source languages or target machines.
A course on the modeling and simulation for the certainty and uncertainty system. Automatic control system and digital signal system are two typical deterministic systems. They are used as examples for modeling, performance prediction and design methods of the deterministic system. For uncertainty systems, the theories of qualitative simulation are used for system modeling and simulation. Those include the concept of qualitative modeling/simulation, uncertainty modeling, fuzzy qualitative simulation, qualitative causal reasoning, Quipers qualitative modeling/simulation, manufacturing enterprises modeling and simulate application.
Software engineering is a course to guide software development and maintenance, including introduction, process models, planning and managing the project, requirements and analysis, designing the architecture and modules, writing and testing the programs, software maintenance, evaluating and improving products, processes and resources.
Advanced Mathematics is designed to serve students majoring in chemical science, computer science and engineering etc. It consists of two parts of a two-semester sequence. The course begins with a rapid review of topics in algebra and trigonometry, which you should be competent in. Part 1, consisting of Chapters 1 to 7, is devoted to single variable differentiation, integration and differential equations. It covers the fundamental concepts and theorems. Part 2, consisting of Chapters 8 to 12, discusses in depth multivariable differentiation, integration, infinite series, vectors and the geometry of space.
command line, python, C, C++, Java,eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, Matlab