1. 公安社会学科。主要是研究有关公安工作的社会关系及运用公安对策对社会关系进行有效调整的知识体系。2. 公安技术学科。主要是研究应用于公安专业的科学技术形成的知识体系。3. 公安综合应用学科。这类学科是公安社会学科、公安技术学科或其他学科的交叉结合形成的综合性边缘学科 ...

Institutes :Nanjing police university

Institutes :Hunan University

Institutes :People's Public Security University of China

Institutes :People's Public Security University of China

Institutes :Renmin University of China

男,1953年生,山西太原人,原中国人民公安大学治安系主任,治安学专业教授,治安学方向学科带头人, 享受公安部特殊津贴专家,博士生导师。全国高教保卫学会保卫学研究会学术委员会委员,北京安全防范协会专家委员会。中南财经政法大学、铁路警官高等专科学校客座教授。
Institutes :Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
This course is designed to explore crime, its context, and especially its causes. First, a foundation will be provided concerning the basic concepts of crime, law, and criminology. Next, theories of crime causation will be explored. The etiology or causes of crime are at the heart of this course, with the theories acting as pillars in the class structure. Next, crime typologies will be examined, or the different kinds of crimes most prevalent in our society. Lastly, we will gain an overview of the criminal justice system itself. The intent of this format is to present a balanced perspective on the field of criminology for new students to the discipline. Attention will also be directed to assure inclusion of issues concerning race, gender, and class, which are often overlooked.
This course covers the fundamental principles and procedures employed in the investigation of a crime. Emphasis is placed on the investigation of specific crimes, the identification of sources of information and the procedures necessary for the proper handling of evidence. This course is designed to develop a working knowledge of the steps of investigation beginning with the initial security of the crime scene and concluding with the presentation of evidence and proper testimony in court.
This course is an examination of psychology of human behavior as it relates to crime. The student will beintroduced to psychopathology, the sexually violent offender, and serial murder. The student will also examine violent juvenile offenders and the process of psychological conditioning which allows them to commit violent criminal acts.
"This crouse introduce the definition and history of abnormal psychology;
Also include medical science, psychodynamic, model of behaviour and society; The expression of mintal disorder: perception, attention, memory, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, anxiety disorders; personality disorders, sexual and gender identity disorders, etc."
This is an introductory course mainly designed for the students in the field of sociology and social work, aiming to load the students with fundamental background, concepts, theories, methods and future trend of social work as a helping profession in a changing social context. The four-credit course will be mainly taught through lectures, group discussions, case analysis and student-oriented learning activities. In the process of classroom teaching, the lecturer will spend majority of time on introducing the history of social work profession, social welfare institution, values and ethics of social work, human behaviors and social environment, social work theories, social work methods and leading the students to deepen their understanding the ethics, skills and knowledge base of social work profession. More important, this course will also highlight the significance of developing social work profession in China.