Institutes :PLA Information Engineering University
1986年09月-1988年08月 北京大学英语系助教;1988年09月-1994年08月 北京大学讲师;1994年09月至今 北京大学英语系副教授,现任世界比较文学协会会员。
Institutes :Xi'an Jiaotong University
第九、十、十一届全国人大代表,第十二届全国政协委员,中国中外文艺理论学会叙事学分会名誉会长。被美国、英国、欧洲多家叙事研究和文体研究顶尖期刊(如Narrative、Style和Language and Literature等)聘为顾问或编委。出版著作11部 ,在国内外一流学术期刊、参考书和论文集发表文章约二百篇,其中超过40篇在国外期刊上发表的被A&HCI检索,在国内发表的有近百篇载于CSSCI源刊。
Institutes :Peking University
1991年至今在北京大学英语系历任讲师、副教授、教授 ,研究领域和方向为现代外语教育: 世界英语,语言评价、话语分析、社会语言学、语言与性别,多语研究。
Institutes :Peking University
Institutes :Tsinghua University
北京外国语大学英语学院教授,研究领域包括功能语言学、语篇分析、文体学、应用语言学和翻译研究。已在《当代修辞学》、《外语教学与研究》、《外国语》、《中国外语》、《外语教学》、《外语研究》、《中国翻译》、《翻译季刊》(香港)以及其他刊物上发表论文40余篇,在英国Continuum出版专著Modelling Text as Process (2010),作为编委参与编撰《新时代汉英大词典》(2000)。任功能语言学研究会常务理事、英汉语篇分析研究会常务理事、文体学研究会常务理事。
Institutes :Beijing Foreign Studies University
This course aims at training students’ ability to translate Chinese texts into English. While priority will be given to literary translation, some more practical translations, such as business and legal translations, will be included in the course.
This course addresses challenges of translating English into Chinese. In this course, you will consider and respond critically to questions in translation theory and practice in guided class discussions and translate diversified English texts into Chinese as weekly out-of-class assignments.
This course is intended to help the first-year English majors to deepen their understanding of English words from the perspectives of lexical semantics and syntactic semantics. Topics to be discussed include but are not confined to word formation, collocation, word meanings, sense relations, and rhetorical devices. Topics and foci may vary each time it is offered and are subject to change with notice.
Excerpts or full texts of important literary works will make up the basic assigned readings of the course, through which students will be expected to gain some basic views of how literary history develops, how ideas evolve, and how authors interact with their world. A long historical period will be covered, from the Old English period to the end of 18th, represented by more than a few literary giants, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, and Pope.
intends to help the freshman students improve their English. Gradually the texts students are required to read are getting more difficult and more thought-provoking. Students are encouraged to read, reflect on and think independently and critically of the problems or concerns that the texts center on.
To provide an opportunity to develop English speaking skills using various methods and activities such as group discussion, pair work, speeches, debate and role playing.
English Writing is taught with these specific goals in mind – to develop students` English writing ability in a variety of forms, instill confidence and excitement in their writing ability, and improve their capacity to express thoughts and opinions through the written word. The course focuses on developing essay writing skills involving order, logic, efficiency and purpose. Students will become familiar with the types of essays most utilized in academic and literary writing, discuss a variety of important issues we face every day in life, and enhance their ability to share ideas through writing and classroom discussion. The course will explore the key features writers employ to effectively express ideas and connect with their audiences.
This course is designed to provide basic concepts and theories of Linguistics, and methods of linguistic analysis. The textbook is Yuyanxue Gangyao (Introduction to Linguistics) by Ye Feisheng and Xu Tongqiang. Students will learn basic knowledge of Linguistic systematically, getting familiar with the principles of linguistic structure, linguistic change, the nature of writing systems, and the relationship between language and society.