环境工程学是一个庞大而复杂的技术体系. 它不仅研究防治环境污染和公害的措施, 而且研究自然资源的保护和合理利用, 探讨废物资源化技术, 改革生产工艺, 发展少害或无害的闭路生产系统, 以及按区域环境进行运筹学管理, 以获得较大的环境效果和经济效益, 这些都成为环境工程学的重要发展方向.
环境工程学的研究方向大致可以分为水污染防治工程 ...
环境质量监测是一种环境监测内容,主要监测环境中污染物的分布和浓度,以确定环境质量状况,定时、定点的环境质量监测历史数据,可以为环境质量评价和环境影响评价提供必不可少的依据;为对污染物迁移转化规律的科学研究也提供的基础数据。 环境评价是环境影响评价和环境质量评价的简称。从广义上说,环境评价是对环境系统状况的价值评定、判断和提出对策。从环境卫生学角度按照一定的评价标准和方法对一定区域范围内的环境质量进行客观的定性和定量调查分析、评价和预测。环境质量评价实质上是对环境质量优与劣的评定过程,该过程包括环境评价因子的确定、环境监测、评价标准、评价方法、环境识别,因此环境质量评价的正确性体现在上述5个环节的科学性与客观性。常用的方法有数理统计方法和环境指数方法两种。
环境规划是为了协调发展经济和保护环境,对一定时期内环境保护的目标和措施所做的规划,一般分为全国性的和地区性的规划,由国家或地方政府制定,也可以进行跨行政区的规划,如区域规划或河流流域规划,城区规划等,也可以根据环境要素分类规划,由环境行政主管部门作出,如大气污染防治规划,水质污染防治规划,土壤污染防治规划等。 制订规划以前必须先进行环境调查,然后进行评价并进行环境预测,才能制定出相应的、可行的、可达到预定目标的规划。

Institutes :Tsinghua University

人机与环境工程技术专家,中国工程院院士,中国共产党党员,北京航空航天大学教授、博士生导师。 王浚多年来一直从事教学及科研工作,在环境控制技术、环境模拟技术、高超声速飞行器热控制及热试验、航天技术、民用飞机等相关领域均进行了深入的研究。
Institutes :Sun Yat-sen University

Institutes :Liaoning University

中国工程院院士,中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员,学位委员会主任。担任环境工程学报主编、Journal of Environmental Sciences、Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering及环境科学学报副主编。主要从事水质科学与技术研究,特别专注饮用水质安全保障的理论、技术和工程应用,在水中有毒有害物质的产生和转化过程机制、水质风险控制和污染治理等方面,取得多项原理和技术突破。

Institutes :University of Science and Technology of China

Marc Edwards
Institutes :Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"By taking this course, the students are expected to: 1. understand the basic concepts and principles in Air
pollution control; 2. master the basic methods in Air pollution control; 3. do some related calculations by applying the basic concepts, principles, as well as methods learned in this course integratedly."
The goal of this course is to introduce the students the fundamental concepts of physical pollution (noise pollution, vibration pollution, radiation pollution, light pollution, and heat pollution) and their control. This course is to make the students to understand the basic definition of physical pollution, to understand the various adverse impacts of physical pollution, to identify the sources of physical pollution, to quantify the levels of pollution, and to understand the technical approaches to control the pollution.
The course introduces students to the theory, tools, and techniques of environmental engineering design and creative problem-solving, as well as design issues and practices in environmental engineering. The course includes several design cases, with an emphasis on environmental engineering process design, reactor design, pipeline design, equipment selection and application , economic and social factors analysis.
"This course mainly covers the technologies applied in soil pollution control and remediation, such as heavy metal pollutions, pesticide pollutions, fertilizer pollutions, solid waste pollutions, wastewater pollutions, etc. Additionally, this course has a brief introduction about the diagnosis and risk analysis methods for soil pollution."
This course is one of the main courses for environmental engineering majors. By means of introducing different treatment methods, this course aims at water purification. The main content of this curriculum includes: the principles and characteristics of physicochemical processes for water and wastewater treatment; the basic calculation methods, the applications, the main components and the operational characteristics of these processes; the latest typical water and wastewater treatment processes and technology at home and abroad. The course will mainly cover coagulation, sedimentation and clarification, flotation, filtration, disinfection, oxidation and reduction, membrane separation, softening and desalination, and so on. This course will familiarize students with physicochemical theories for water and wastewater treatment, and enhance their ability to resolve the problems in this field.
"Environmental Assessment is an important tool for public and private
development and planning decisions toward creating a sustainable society. In this
course, students learn EIA theories, methods, regulations and its historical process with
several case studies. Scientific aspects such as predictions and evaluation methods as
well as democratic aspects relating to public participation will be explained. We will
also explore "strategic environmental assessment” as new areas of Environmental Assessment."
This class provides a general introduction to the diverse roles of microorganisms in natural and artificial environments. It will cover topics including: cellular architecture, energetics, and growth; evolution and gene flow; population and community dynamics; water and soil microbiology; biogeochemical cycling; and microorganisms in biodeterioration and bioremediation.
Aquatic Environmental Chemistry is an important branch of Environmental Chemistry, and it mainly focuses on formation, distribution and cycling procedures of various elements, compounds (natural and anthropogenic), as well as the relationships with other environmental media, clearly reflecting multi-discipline of geo-science and chemistry. The earth aquatic environment mainly includes territorial water body and seawater body, characterized by close association and significant difference. Since global industrialization, the influences from human activities have been far stronger than those from most natural procedures, and aquatic environment has been an extremely important receiver for large amounts of various pollutants emitted. It plays a critical role in controlling transport, transform, fate, as well as related biological and ecological effects (such as deformation, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity) at different spatial and temporal scales.
This course introduces the basic concepts and methodology of environmental sciences, as well as the main characters of earth environmental system, pollution in different environmental medias (air, water, soil, etc.), ecological problems, global environmental problems, and environmental disasters. The course could help the students to learn the basic features of environmental sciences, and provide assistance for them to carry out scientific research, teaching and other works in the future. It could also provide a basis for further studies on other follow-up courses in environmental science fields.
This course explores basic theories, pollution control technologies, and pollution control engineering in current Environmental Engineering practices. Upon successful completion of the course, students will master the basic theories and methods of pollution control engineering and prevention technology.