绘画专业设有油画、中国书画、插图三个专业方向。本专业学生主要学习绘画艺术方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到艺术思维与绘画造型的基本训练,具有绘画创作的基本能力。 本专业培养具有一定的马克思主义基本理论素养,并具备绘画艺术创作、教学、研究等方面的能力,能在文化艺术领域、教育、设计、研究、出版、管理单位从事教学、创作、研究、出版、管理等方面工作的高级专门人才。 主要课程包括素描、色彩、专业技法、创作、中外美术史,主要实践性教学环节包括社会实践、艺术考察,每年1-2次,一般安排4-6周。
Institutes :China Academy of Art
任职于清华大学美术学院 1982年毕业后获学士学位。1988年复入该系,师从中国美协壁画艺委会副主任、著名教授、壁画家袁运甫先生,攻读壁画与公共艺术专业硕士研究生,毕业后获硕士学位并留校任教至今。1997年赴法国巴黎进修并游历欧洲十二国进行艺术考察。 现任清华大学美术学院绘画系教授,硕士生导师,壁画与公共艺术专业教研室主任,中国美术家协会会员,中国油画学会会员,北京市水彩协会会员,中国工业设计协会会员。
Institutes :Tsinghua University
Institutes :China Central Academy of Fine Arts
任职于中央美术学院 卓凡,中央美术学院副教授、雕塑家、学者;中国室内陈设艺术专业委员会、副秘书长;北京大学百年大讲堂《中国书房》、主讲人;中华工艺精品(文博会)大赛/天工奖/玉华奖、专家评委。东方“白玉比例”审美的倡导者,从事达芬奇艺术的研究、现代造型语言研究和新国学语境下传统工艺的再设计等的研究。 师从隋建国、托尼•布朗。从上个世纪的九十年代中期,卓凡游学于欧洲,专注于达芬奇艺术的研究,特别是达芬奇的科技思维对现代艺术、现代设计的影响。2001年以后,他把“黄金比例”作为核心审美,开始创作以机械装置为主体的现代艺术,举办个展,参加国内外重要艺术活动。 2006年起,卓凡回归华夏传统,以“白玉比例”----建立传统审美自信为原点,以欧洲十六世纪文艺复兴的光辉为榜样,全力创作,努力为实现中华民族的传统文化复兴尽艺术之力。
Institutes :China Central Academy of Fine Arts
This course is mainly introducing the landscape artistic techniques of Chinese painting, and explaining kinds of artistic forms of Chinese painting, aesthetic appreciation requirements and skills. According to students` actual painting level, this course chooses related textbooks and reference books as teaching models. Through lots of tracing and studying, this course directs students` Chinese painting skills, and cultivates students to master the artistic skills of Chinese painting gradually.
This course analyzes and explores issues concerning the correlation between Chinese philosophy and Chinese calligraphy, e.g. the relationship between Chinese philosophical conceptions and the creative conceptions and techniques of Chinese calligraphy; analysis of most representative calligraphers' artistic conceptions and works throughout Chinese history; exploration of the essential meaning, aesthetic categories and features, and aesthetic requirements of Chinese calligraphy.
This studio-based course will provide the foundation necessary to understand basic color theory and practice in painting, art, and design. An historical and cultural perspective will be introduced to inform ongoing color studies executed in the studio. Students will acquire the vocabulary to articulate color phenomena and the means to exploit the expressive potential of color in their work. Color studies will be principally created with gouache, and a variety of other materials and means will also be explored. Lectures, demonstrations, and museum visits will supplement studio work. A short research paper is required.
This course will provide the foundation for the creation of an archival painting practice for both traditional and contemporary painting methods. Topics covered will include tools, preparation process for both canvas and wood panels, sizes and grounds, drying oils, varnishes and resins, pigments, solvents, painting procedures, and the care of finished paintings. A historical overview of traditional methods and materials including egg tempra and oil paint will be covered, in addition to modern alkyd resins and acrylics. RISD's Environmental Health Safety practices that pertain to painting practice and painting studio safety will be an integral part of this course. A short research paper is required to supplement studio work.
This course is designed to provide an introduction to Western painting, sculpture, architecture and other arts from the Renaissance to the 20th century. The class is designed to familiarize students with the major cultural periods, schools and artists in the past 700 years of development of western art, to situate art within an art historical and social context and to help students develop a vocabulary for discussing and understanding art.
This course offer a detailed introduction of Chinese Fine Arts History
This course through a progressive approach to introduce the main types of ancient and modern art works, master, achievements and artistic concepts to a long and rich visual arts outline a concise, clear and complete outline.Characteristics about art and appreciation of works of art, process, and guide students entered the doors of the art, a taste of its mystery, elegance and charm. More in-depth understanding of Chinese and foreign cultures through the visual arts materials.
A detailed introduction to all kinds of arts, including music, theater, painting, etc.
绘画,procreate,摄影相关器材 影视剪辑软件,胶板印刷,铜板印刷, 石板印刷,泥土成型,陶瓷装饰, 烧成。纤维材料,模具成型。