地理科学是一门自然基础学科,它研究地球表面所有的特征与现象,是一门涵盖面非常广泛的学科,按照研究对象的不同,可以分为自然地理、人文地理这两个大的方面。自然地理调查自然环境及如何造成地形及气候、水、土壤、植被 ...
地理信息学(geomatics)是地理学的一门分支,它在1950年代的地理学计量革命(quantitative revolution)中首先出现。地理信息学包含利用地图学及测绘学所使用的传统空间技术及电脑应用。地理信息学与其他利用地理信息系统及遥感方法的学科一起成为一门普遍的科目。地理信息学亦引起部分地理部门的复兴,此现象特别在1950年代经历地理部门衰退的北美洲更为显著。 地理信息学包含大范围的学科包括空间分析,例如地图学、地理信息系统、遥感探测及全球定位系统。
区域地理学是地理学的一门分支,她研究地球上不同大小的区域。其主要目的是去理解或定义个别地区包含人类及自然因素的独特性或特色。区域地理学的注意力亦有放在区域化(regionalization)上,包括适合的的方法把空间分界成为区域。, 区域地理学亦被认为是研究地理科学的必然方式。
Institutes :China Conservatory of Music
Institutes :Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR)
保继刚,汉族,1964出生,云南人,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任中山大学地理科学与规划学院院长、旅游学院院长,兼任中山大学校长助理,中山大学珠海校区管委会主任、中国地理学会副理事长、广东地理学会理事长,2001年成为International Academy for Tourism Studies 会员。
In this lesson, using rule of area differing as a basic clue and making environment region as centering concepts , system of united geography was discussed. Panorama of geography, main questions and developing directions were reflecting as possible.
to supply in outline form the underlying principles of constructive cartography. It is also intended to illustrate the development of the scientific system of today and the educational value of this branch of human activities. A knowledge of the horizontal and vertical location of places and the configuration of the earth's surface are essential factors in carrying on the major activities of a nation.
"The Advanced Placement Human Geography course reflects the content of a typical college level survey introductory
course in human geography. Through the five goals of the course, students will refine their analytical and problem
solving skills using creative and critical thinking to develop abilities to:
• Use and think about maps and spatial data.
• Understand and interpret the implications of associations among phenomena in places.
• Recognize and interpret at different scales the relationships among patterns and processes.
• Define regions and evaluate the regionalization process.
• Characterize and analyze changing interconnections among places."
This course introduces students to the basics of remote sensing, characteristics of remote sensors, and remote sensing applications in academic disciplines and professional industries. Emphasis is placed on image acquisition and data collection in the electromagnetic spectrum and data set manipulations. This course is designed for geographic information systems (GIS) students interested in imagery analysis.
Upon Successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Keep a fieldbook for various projects
Plan a level loop
Plan a Boundary Survey
Plan a Topographic Survey
Prepare a field sketch for a project
Locate appropriate records to begin a boundary Survey
Describe map projections and calculate surface distances
Understand different types of surveys, and the tools required for each
This presents a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of GIS-T applications in the analysis and planning of transportation systems.
An introduction to physical geology
Geomorphology is the study of solid Earth’s surface features. Some workers in clued the landforms of other terrestrial-type planets and satellites in the Solar System within the scope of geomorphology. Geomorphology investigates landforms and the processes that fashion them, with chapters on weathering and related landforms, hillslopes, fluvial landscapes, karst landscapes, glacial and glaciofluvial landscapes, periglacial landscapes, aeolian landscapes, leoss landforms, coastal landscapes, Plate tectonics and landscapes, folded landscapes, faulted landscapes, and volcanic landscapes.