
Institutes :Fudan University


赵曙明,著名人力资源管理学专家。1977年毕业于南京大学英语专业。自1991年在美国完成博士后研究回国后,他是最早将西方人力资源管理理论引进到中国,并将西方人力资源理论与中国实践相结合的学者之一,使中国人力资源管理与企业跨国经营方向的研究跻身世界先进水平行列。2006年5月,被美国Seton Hill大学授予“人文科学――工商管理荣誉博士学位”,在亚洲赵曙明是唯一的一位。
Institutes :Nanjing University

李超平博士为EMBA、MBA、MPA、人力资源管理研究生进修班主讲过组织行为学、战略人力资源管理、管理学方法等课程。同时,为企业提供过:企业战略人力资源管理体系的建立;企业文化建设;职位设计与职位分析;胜任特征模型及其在人力资源管理中的应用;人员招聘与人才测评(含心理测验、结构化面试、情境模拟等);战略性绩效管理;薪酬设计;非人力资源经理的人力资源管理;打造高绩效的团队;管理沟通等培训课程。 李超平博士还应邀为众多著名企业、各级政府机关与事业单位提供过研究导向的咨询服务, 内容涉及:绩效管理、胜任特征模型的建立、人才选拔与人才测评、内部竞聘、职位分析、薪酬体系设计、员工满意度与员工敬业度调查、组织文化与组织气氛诊断、360度反馈评价等领域。
Institutes :Renmin University of China

Dave Ulrich
Dave Ulrich’s professional focus has addressed questions on how organizations add value to customers and investors through both leadership and strategic human resource practices. In the human resource area, he and his colleagues have worked to redefine and upgrade HR. With his colleagues Wayne Brockbank and Jon Younger, Ulrich has articulated how the modern HR organization can be organized into shared services, centers of expertise, and business partners.[10] He has also co-directed research on over 40,000 respondents about the competencies required for successful HR professionals;[11] in addition, he has helped shape thinking on how to transform HR practices so that they are aligned to customer needs and integrated around organization capabilities.[12] In the leadership area, Norm Smallwood and Ulrich have worked to focus on the outcomes of effective leadership;[13] they have also shown how leadership will increase customer share by creating a leadership brand within the company.[14] Their work also illustrates that investing in leadership will increase shareholder value.[15] Their work also synthesizes the thicket of leadership competency models into a unified view of leadership.[16] Their current work attempts to look at leadership through the eyes and expectations of investors.[citation needed]
Institutes :University of Michigan

Peter Capelli
Peter Cappelli is the George W. Taylor Professor of Management at The Wharton School and Director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, MA, served as Senior Advisor to the Kingdom of Bahrain for Employment Policy from 2003-2005, and since 2007 is a Distinguished Scholar of the Ministry of Manpower for Singapore. He has degrees in industrial relations from Cornell University and in labor economics from Oxford where he was a Fulbright Scholar. He has been a Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution, a German Marshall Fund Fellow, and a faculty member at MIT, the University of Illinois, and the University of California at Berkeley. He was a staff member on the U.S. Secretary of Labor’s Commission on Workforce Quality and Labor Market Efficiency from 1988-’90, Co-Director of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center on the Educational Quality of the Workforce, and a member of the Executive Committee of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center on Post-Secondary Improvement at Stanford University. Professor Cappelli has served on three committees of the National Academy of Sciences and three panels of the National Goals for Education. He was recently named by HR Magazine as one of the top 5 most influential thinkers in management and was elected a fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources. He received the 2009 PRO award from the International Association of Corporate and Professional Recruiters for contributions to human resources. He serves on Global Agenda Council on Employment for the World Economic Forum and a number of advisory boards.
Institutes :University of Pennsylvania
The recruitment process as part of the permanent work of company
- Staff resources (external and internal), their advantages and
disadvantages, the choice of sources for a specific job.
- The methods of identifying and matching candidates for a specific job,
form and content of addressing, selection of target groups to address.
- Selection methods, from the job description to a description of the sought
requirements, interview and assessment centers, their demands on the
professionals carrying out the assessment and on the appointee,
advantages and disadvantages.
- A new employee, a review of compliance with requirements and the
reality, employee training, feedback, expectations.
- Motivational elements, procedures in the process of motivation,
motivation as a dynamic process.
- Basic elements of ethics in the process of "staffing".
1. Students will be familiar with labor market phenomenon and policies;2. Students will be able to use microeconomic models to analyze important issues and questions in related areas3. Students will be able to combine economic theory and data and conduct empirical research as well as discussion4. Students will combine knowledge from other disciplines and have a deeper understanding about economic issues and policies
The course of Labor Law and Social Security Law is a law course that is more practical, which studies comprehensively legal adjustment of labor relations, basic theory and main legal protection of social security in socialist market economy. The course mainly includes: (1) the basic theory of labor law, including adjustment object, historical evolution, basic principle, legal status and system of labor law, and labor law relations, etc.; (2) main content of labor law, including employment, labor contract, collective contract, labor wages, working hours and day off, occupational safety and health, rewards and punishment of worker and trade union, etc.; (3) labor dispute resolution legal mechanism; (4) supervision and inspection of labor law; (5) basic theory of social security law, the institution of social insurance of endowment, unemployment, work injury, medical and maternity insurance, and social aid institution, social welfare institution and social special care institution.
The course promotes the concept of performance management as a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning that performance with the strategic goals of the organisation.
The course of Human Resource Management(HRM) is the science of a set of theories, principles and methods of developing ,improving human resources quality, as well as how to use human resource reasonably. It is amajor foundation course that trains students the basic theories, knowledge and abilities related to human resource management. Its main contents include HRM overview,HRM strategy and planning, job analysis, staff recruitment, human resource performance evaluation and assessment, compensation system, employee relations, and etc.
"This is a first class in Corporate Finance. This class involves the answers to three questions. First is the capital budgeting decision, which is about what long term investments should the firm take on. Second is the financing decision, which is about how can cash be raised for the required investment. Lastly, it examines short term finance and concern net working capital and discusses the way the firm manage its day-to-day cash and financial affairs. At the end of this course, students should be able to think analytically about portfolio selection, corporate decision making and asset pricing. These skills can also be used as personal financial decisions."
This course outlines today's major challenges facing the management profession. The course uses interactive exercises, simulations and problems to develop critical skills in negotiations, teamwork and leadership. Students will be introduced to concepts and tools to analyze work and leadership experiences in optional undergraduate fieldwork projects.
This course will discuss the basic principles of microeconomics, but in a more formal and structured way than the introductory economics does. The topics will include the classical price theory (consumer choice, producer theory and market equilibrium analysis), market failure (externality and public goods), as well as some recent exciting developments in game theory and information economics. While we try as much as possible to demonstrate the beauty and rigor of microeconomic theories, we will apply these analytical tools to the real world and test the validity of their predictions. I will use many real world examples to show the relevance and power of economic thinking. To be sure, the principles we will cover in this course provide the foundation of almost all theories in modern economics.
The content of this course is valuable for all managers, no matter in which direction their careers progress. Every manager should have human resources management skills and a basic understanding of employment laws in order to function effectively in today’s economy.