供应链管理作为一个策略概念,以相应的信息系统电脑管理技术,将从原料材料采购直到销售给最终客户民众的全部企业活动集成在一个无缝接续流程中。 供应链管理包括了对物料(产品)流动,信息流动,和资金流动的管理,是企业运营管理中的重要组成成分。供应链管理一般包括:物流管理,采购和供应链计划,以及相关的信息分析与财务管理。经济全球化的大背景扩充了供应链管理内容和范围:国际物流(Global Logistics),生产外包(Outsourcing),战略采购(Strategic Sourcing),供应链协作(CPFR、SOP)等得到了较大发展。而供应链管理也不再是只关注于企业内部的运营,而是整个产业和价值链条在全球市场上的运作,以及相关的风险管理(Risk Management)和可持续性(Sustainability)。
系统工程是一个跨多学科领域的工程,通常专注于如何设计和管理复杂的工程专案。当处理大型、复杂的专案时,所面临的相关问题(例如:物流、不同团队的协调、和机器的自动控制)更加困难。系统工程借由工作流程、和工具来处理此一类型的专案,并且与技术、和以人为本的学科相互重叠(例如控制工程和专案管理)。 控制工程是有关控制理论研究与应用的一门工程学。控制系统的实现通常基于传感器的使用,它可以测量被控制设备的性能参数,然后收集到的数据以反馈的形式施加到执行器上,使得执行器输出一定的信号,确保系统工作在预期的状态。工程师可以设计无需人介入、可以自适应、自动修正误差的设备系统,这种系统被称为“自动控制”,例如汽车的巡航定速系统。控制工程在本质上是一个交叉学科,而描述系统行为的数学模型则又是重中之重。
人体因素与人体功能学是一门重要的工程技术学科,为管理科学中工业工程专业的一个分支,是研究人和机器、环境的相互作用及其合理结合,使设计的机器和环境系统适合人的生理及心理等特点,达到在生产中提高效率、安全、健康和舒适目的的一门科学。其中侧重于研究人对环境的精神认知称为cognitive ergonomics或human factors,而侧重于研究环境施加给人的物理影响称为physical ergonomics或occupational biomechanics。作为一门综合性边缘学科,它的研究和应用范围非常广泛,因此人们试图从各种角度命名和定义它。

Institutes :Tianjin Normal University

Institutes :Tongji University

1959年和1964年清华大学电机系本科和研究生毕业。1985年至1986年美国Colorado State University访问教授,讲授研究生课并科研。1988年1月起任清华大学教授,1991年当选中科院学部委员(后改称为中国科学院院士)。1993年至1995年日本KIT客座教授,讲授研究生课并科研。2003年当选为IEEE Fellow。2006年当选为瑞典皇家工程科学院外籍院士。是国内外公认的电力系统非线性最优鲁棒控制学科体系的开拓者和奠基人。
Institutes :Tsinghua University

Institutes :Tsinghua University

Dushan Boroyevich
Dushan Boroyevich was born in 1952 in Zagreb, Croatia, in what then used to be Yugoslavia. In the same country, he earned a Dipl. Ing. degree from the University of Belgrade in 1976 and an M.S. degree from the University of Novi Sad in 1982, both in electrical engineering. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in power electronics in 1986 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, also known as Virginia Tech.
Institutes :Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Philip Krein
Philip T. Krein received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering and the A.B. degree in economics and business from Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana. He was an engineer with Tektronix in Beaverton, Oregon, and then returned to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At present, he is the Grainger Endowed Director’s Chair Emeritus in Electric Machinery and Electromechanics as Professor Emeritus and Director of the Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics. His research interests address all aspects of power electronics, machines, drives, transportation electrification, and electrical energy, with emphasis on nonlinear control approaches.
Institutes :University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive technical knowledge about production automation and the role of the computer in modern manufacturing systems. After completing the course, students will be able to:
1. Distinguish between different automation strategies and economically evaluate conventional and automated manufacturing systems.
2. Analyze automated production flow lines and design automated assembly systems.
3.Determine the requirement for numerically controlled production system and design and implement NC part programming.
4.Choose the suitable robot type to serve specific production system, make the necessary design calculations, and write and execute robot programs for specific applications.
5.Analyze and design automated materials handling systems.
6.Apply group technology concepts for the analysis and design of flexible manufacturing systems FMS.
This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of human factors that must be taken into account in the design and engineering of complex aviation and space systems. The primary focus is the derivation of human engineering design criteria from sensory, motor, and cognitive sources to include principles of displays, controls and ergonomics, manual control, the nature of human error, basic experimental design, and human-computer interaction in supervisory control settings.
Introduction of difference and definition of engineering disciplines; use of problem solving methods by engineers, as building-up of high performance team, innovative thinking; and ethics and social responsibilities of engineers. Historical development and future trends of the profession, definition of IE, IE curriculum, what is system design, IE career and roles in industry, logistics industries and system, facility planning, material handling, manufacturing industries, mode of production system, production planning and control.
Introduction to casting, forming, machining, and joining processes for metals and nonmetals. Survey of manufacturing technologies and industrial practice.
Introduction to quality management Basics of probability and statistics in quality area Statistical quality control chart Control charts for variables Control charts for Attributes Scientific sampling Case studies
A course on the modeling and simulation for the certainty and uncertainty system. Automatic control system and digital signal system are two typical deterministic systems. They are used as examples for modeling, performance prediction and design methods of the deterministic system. For uncertainty systems, the theories of qualitative simulation are used for system modeling and simulation. Those include the concept of qualitative modeling/simulation, uncertainty modeling, fuzzy qualitative simulation, qualitative causal reasoning, Quipers qualitative modeling/simulation, manufacturing enterprises modeling and simulate application.
This course introduces logistics/physical distribution and supply, and the related costs. It provides a systematic overview and analysis of the elements of logistics functions in widely varying types of industries and agencies, including handling, warehousing, inventory control and financial controls.
This course is a basic technology course to foster the mechanical design capacity of students. The course has its teaching content focused on basic knowledge, basic theory and basic methods, and has its practical training focused on the basic training of design skills and innovative design capability.
General Management is a fundamental course for students of management, also an extension course for non-management students. The course will take perspectives of management need, managers, and management process, focus on the framework of management goal, process, and effectiveness, following the lines of institution, decision, planning, motivation, control, cost, change, and mechanism; defining related scope, functions, and rules; investigating theoretical and practical issues; utilizing exercises, simulation, and other types of activities and discussion, with the aim of helping students improve managerial knowledge, practice their managerial capabilities, and grasp managerial laws by taking advantage of multiple angles of material architecture and mechanism.
The goal of this course is to help students understand management of fundamental scope, theory, and methodologies; help students improve the abilities of defining, analyzing, and solving problems; help students prepare a foundation for learning subsequent courses; help non-management students equip themselves with management knowledge.
The content of this course include management need in globalization; managers, management activities, and management goal; mission, directions, and functions of institutions; design of organizational structure and staffing; problems, routine, and non-routine decisions; goal and planning; team behavior, negotiation, and motivation in operations; standardization, process control, and information system; cost/ benefit of management and performance evaluation; environmental challenges and organizational change; the science and art sides of managerial mechanism; managerial thoughts of leaders and their development.
Matlab, LINGO, Xpress-MP, JMP,Minitab, Ilog, ERP,Automod, Simo, Flexsim,Pro/Engineer,CAD,Weibull++, ALTA Pro, BlockSim FTI, Xfmea