Institutes :Tsinghua University

男,汉族,1962年10月生,河北省阜城人。经济学博士,中国人民大学商学院教授、博士生导师,中国市场营销研究中心主任。郭教授先后为国家经贸委、信息产业部、教育部、中共中央党校、中国工商银行、中国建设银行、中国华电集团、爱立信公司、摩托罗拉公司、辽宁省电力公司、清华大学科技园(珠海)、北京大学光华管理学院、南京大学商学院、西安交通大学管理学院、北京全聚德集团、西宁供电局、中国嘉陵集团、中石化长城润滑油公司、香港龙润集团、香港企业管理协会、云南盘龙云海集团公司、云南省电力公司、青海省电力公司、北京铁路局、青岛市经贸委、创维集团、三一重工、华为公 司、中国茶叶流通协会、江苏省纺织品进出口集团、国家烟草专卖局等单位从事咨询、培训活动。 曾获全国普通高校优秀教材一等奖(2002)、中国科学技术协会中国青年科技论坛优秀论文特等奖(1999)、北京市哲学社会科学优秀论著二等奖(1997和2010)、霍英东教育基金会高校青年教师奖二等奖(1996)。所编著的教材中,《市场营销学通论》荣获教育部2008年度高等教育精品教材;《市场营销学通论》(第三版)荣获中国市场学会改革开放30年精品教材、教育部2007年度高等教育精品教材。先后完成《市场营销管理:理论与模型》、《现代非营利组织研究》、《体验营销新论》、《营销决策模型》等学术著作7部,发表学术论文100余篇,其中在国际学术会议或国外刊物上发表论文12篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目7项,国家社会科学基金项目1项,国家教育部人文社会科学规划项目2项。1995年入选北京市哲学社会科学“百人工程”。2004年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。享受国务院特殊津贴。
Institutes :Renmin University of China

龚振,硕士、教授,华南理工大学工商管理学院市场营销系硕士生导师(返聘)[1] 担任中山大学MBA高级研修班(面向企业总裁、总经理和营销经理)和公开课培训班主讲教授、中国市场总监认证培训深圳中心主讲教授,深入浅出、充分互动、操作性和实战性强的授课效果获得参训企业一致的高度评价。龚教授主要的学术成果有:首次分析了黑店观念、黑色营销的表现及其存在条件,丰富了市场营销学中关于市场观念的理论,为分析企业行为轨迹以及政府制定宏观政策促进企业市场观念转变提供了依据。修改和发展了世界著名心理学家马斯洛的需要层次理论,提出了新的需要层次与需要平衡理论、平衡营销和双向营销理论,开辟了市场营销研究的新领域。系统地分析了企业绿色营销过程以及所需的宏观环境条件,为企业实施绿色营销战略和国家推动绿色营销的发展提供了参考。
Institutes :South China University of Technology
"This lesson includes the contents as below:
1/Exchange rates,Foreign Exchange Markets
2/Balance of Payments
3/The theory of Exchange rates
4/Open-econmy Macroeconomics"
This is an introductory course in financial econometric. We will discuss the basic analytic tools and their applications. The course focuses mainly on the linear model specification, Ordinary Least Square regression method, and limits of classical OLS method.
This course introduces logistics/physical distribution and supply, and the related costs. It provides a systematic overview and analysis of the elements of logistics functions in widely varying types of industries and agencies, including handling, warehousing, inventory control and financial controls.
Marketing Management is designed to serve as an introduction to the theory and practice of marketing. Students will improve their ability to develop effective marketing strategies and assess market opportunities, as well as design strategy implementation programs. In addition, students will have the opportunity to communicate and defend their recommendations and build upon the recommendations of their peers. We will explore the theory and applications of marketing concepts through a mix of cases, discussions, lectures, guest speakers, individual assignments, and group projects. We will draw materials from a variety of sources and settings including services, consumer and business-to-business products.
This lesson includes the contents as below:the introduction of Financial markets, interest rates, principle of Bank, Model of money supply, financial innovation, monetary policy and so on
This course will discuss the basic principles of microeconomics, but in a more formal and structured way than the introductory economics does. The topics will include the classical price theory (consumer choice, producer theory and market equilibrium analysis), market failure (externality and public goods), as well as some recent exciting developments in game theory and information economics. While we try as much as possible to demonstrate the beauty and rigor of microeconomic theories, we will apply these analytical tools to the real world and test the validity of their predictions. I will use many real world examples to show the relevance and power of economic thinking. To be sure, the principles we will cover in this course provide the foundation of almost all theories in modern economics.
Conceptual introduction to financial accounting. Emphasis is placed on wealth and income measurement and the preparation and interpretation of conventional financial statements.
Principles of economics is the basic course for economics major, and also introduces basic economics for other majors.The course is composed of two parts: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. We offer basic knowledge of economics in this course, and also enhance students understanding of everyday economy affairs. Most importantly, the course pay special attention to the intuitions of economics through class as well as exercises. We believe economics is not just an brunch of math or others, it has its own perspectives. training intuitions will do help students understan unique perspectives of economics.
The course builds on existing communications and consumer behaviour models in order to explore many of the issues facing a modern day brand manager. Topics: evaluation of brands, brands and their relationships with consumers, how to create brand equity and the tools required to manage equity over time.
Understanding consumer decision processes; steps in decision making, including need recognition, perception, cognition and attitude formation; effect of environmental social, psychological, and individual difference factors on consumer decision making.