理论物理学通过为现实世界建立数学模型来试图理解所有物理现象的运行机制。通过“物理理论”来条理化、解释、预言物理现象。 丰富的想像力、精湛的数学造诣、严谨的治学态度,这些都是成为理论物理学家需要培养的优良素质。例如,在十九世纪中期,物理大师詹姆斯·麦克斯韦觉得电磁学的理论杂乱无章、急需整合。尤其是其中许多理论都涉及超距作用(action at a distance)的概念。麦克斯韦对于这概念极为反对,他主张用场论来解释。例如,磁铁会在四周产生磁场,而磁场会施加磁场力于铁粉,使得这些铁粉依著磁场力的方向排列,形成一条条的磁场线;磁铁并不是直接施加力量于铁粉,而是经过磁场施加力量于铁粉;麦克斯韦尝试朝着这方向开辟一条思路。他想出的“分子涡流模型”,借用流体力学的一些数学框架,能够解释所有那时已知的电磁现象。更进一步,这模型还展示出一个崭新的概念——电位移。由于这概念,他推理电磁场能够以波动形式传播于空间,他又计算出其波速恰巧等于光速。麦克斯韦断定光波就是一种电磁波。从此,电学、磁学、光学被整合为一统的电磁学。
热学又称热物理学,是研究热现象(即与温度有关的物理现象)的科学。 热学一般分为热力学和统计力学两部分,前者是建立在实验基础上的宏观理论,后者是建立在量子力学和数理统计学上的微观理论。
光学(英语:Optics),是物理学的分支,主要是研究光的现象、性质与应用,包括光与物质之间的相互作用、光学仪器的制作。光学通常研究红外线、紫外线及可见光的物理行为。因为光是电磁波,其它形式的电磁辐射,例如X射线、微波、电磁辐射及无线电波等等也具有类似光的特性。英文术语“optics”源自古希腊字“ὀπτική”,意为名词“看见”、“视见”。 大多数常见的光学现象都可以用经典电动力学理论来说明。但是,通常这全套理论很难实际应用,必需先假定简单模型。几何光学的模型最为容易使用。它试图将光当作射线(光线),能够直线移动,并且在遇到不同介质时会改变方向;它能够解释像直线传播、反射、折射等等很多光线现象。物理光学的模型比较精密,它把光当作是传播于介质的波动(光波)。除了反射、折射以外,它还能够以波性质来解释向前传播、干涉、偏振等等光学现象。几何光学不能解释这些比较复杂的光学现象。在历史上,光的射线模形首先被发展完善,然后才是光的波动模形。 很多现象涉及到光的波粒二象性。只有量子力学能够解释这些现象。在量子力学里,光被视为由一群称为光子的粒子组成。量子光学专门研究怎样用量子力学来解释光学现象。 进一步将光学细分类。光的纯科学领域,通常被称为光学或“光学物理”。应用光学通常被称为光学工程。光学工程中涉及到照明系统的部分,被特别称为“照明工程”。每一个分支在应用、技术、焦点以及专业关联上,都有很大不同。在光学工程中,比较新的发现,通常被归类为光子学(photonics)。 因为光学在实际中被广泛应用,光学物理和工程光学,在领域上,有很大程度的互相交叉。光学也与电子工程、物理学、天文学、医学(尤其是眼科学与视光学)等许多学科密切相关。很多关键科技都能找到光学的研究果实,包括镜子、透镜、望远镜、显微镜、激光、光纤、发光二极管、光伏等等。
电磁学是研究电和磁的相互作用现象,及其规律和应用的物理学分支学科。根据近代物理学的观点,磁的现象是由运动电荷所产生的,因而在电学的范围内必然不同程度地包含磁学的内容。所以,电磁学和电学的内容很难截然划分,而“电学”有时也就作为“电磁学”的简称 电磁学从原来互相独立的两门科学(电学、磁学)发展成为物理学中一个完整的分支学科,主要是基于两个重要的实验发现,即电流的磁效应和变化的磁场的电效应。这两个实验现象,加上麦克斯韦关于变化电场产生磁场的假设,奠定了电磁学的整个理论体系,发展了对现代文明起重大影响的电工和电子技术。
凝聚体物理学是有关物质凝聚相性质的物理学分支。该领域的研究者力图通过物理学定律来解释凝聚相物质的行为。其中,量子力学、电磁学以及统计力学的相关定律对于该领域尤为重要。 固体以及液体是人们最为熟悉的凝聚相。除了这两种相之外,凝聚相还包括一些特定的物质在低温条件下的超导相、晶体与自旋有关的铁磁相及反铁磁相、超低温原子系统的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚相等等。对于凝聚体的研究包括通过实验手段测定物质的各种性质,以及利用理论方法发展数学模型以深入理解这些物质的物理行为。 由于尚有大量的系统及现象亟待研究,凝聚体物理学成为了目前物理学最为活跃的领域之一。
分子物理学是研究分子的物理性质以及将原子结合为分子的化学键性质的学科,与化学学科紧密相连,同时和原子物理学密切相关。 分子物理学中最重要的实验手段是光谱分析。分子谱和原子谱的最大区别是,除了组成原子的原子能级之外,还有分子本身的转动和振动能级。 除了从原子得知的电子激发态以外,分子可以旋转与震动。由于这些旋转与震动具有量子性质,伴随的能级也是离散的。纯旋转运动光谱是在红外线谱域(波长大约为30-150微米);震动光谱是在近红外线(near infra-red)谱域(大约为1-5微米);电子跃迁光谱是在可见光和紫外线谱域。从测量旋转运动和震动光谱,可以获得分子的物理性质,例如,原子核与原子核之间的距离。 原子物理学的原子轨域理论,在分子物理学里,扩展为分子轨域理论。
计算物理学(英语:Computational physics)是研究如何使用数值方法分析可以量化的物理学问题的学科。 历史上,计算物理学是计算机的第一项应用;目前计算物理学被视为计算科学的分支。 计算物理有时也被视为理论物理的分支学科或子问题,但也有人认为计算物理与理论物理与实验物理联系紧密,又相对独立,是物理学第三大分支。
天体物理学是研究宇宙的物理学,这包括星体的物理性质(光度,密度,温度,化学成分等等)和星体与星体彼此之间的相互作用。应用物理理论与方法,天体物理学探讨恒星结构、恒星演化、太阳系的起源和许多跟宇宙学相关的问题。由于天体物理学是一门很广泛的学问,天文物理学家通常应用很多不同的学术领域,包括力学、电磁学、统计力学、量子力学、相对论、粒子物理学等等。由于近代跨学科的发展,与化学、生物、历史、计算机、工程、古生物学、考古学、气象学等学科的混合,天体物理学目前大小分支大约三百到五百门主要专业分支,成为物理学当中最前沿的庞大领导学科,是引领近代科学及科技重大发展的前导科学,同时也是历史最悠久的古老传统科学。 天体物理实验数据大多数是依赖观测电磁辐射获得。比较冷的星体,像星际物质或星际云会发射无线电波。大爆炸后,经过红移,遗留下来的微波,称为宇宙微波背景辐射。研究这些微波需要非常大的无线电望远镜。

Institutes :Peking University

Institutes :University of Science and Technology of China

Aharon Kapitulnik
Aharon Kapitulnik is the Theodore and Sydney Rosenberg Professor in Applied Physics at the Departments of Applied Physics and Physics Stanford University. Kapitulnik’s research activities focus on studies of phenomena associated with the behavior of correlated and disordered electron systems, particularly in reduced dimensions, and the development of precision detection instrumentation.
Institutes :Stanford University

David Litster
Professor Litster, a native of Toronto and a graduate of McMaster University, joined the MIT faculty in 1966 as an Assistant Professor of Physics, shortly after he received the Ph.D. from MIT. His research interests include Physics of condensed matter; optical and light scattering studies of phase transitions; liquid crystals; X-ray scattering using synchrotron radiation.
Institutes :Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Electromagnetism is a part of classical physics. This course covers basic experimental laws of electromagnetic interactions. And on the basis, the course gradually reveals the characteristics, properties, internal links and change of the special matter, electromagnetic fields. Because the electromagnetic phenomena are widespread and have a wide range of technical applications, electromagnetism has become an important foundation of physics and other science and technology. The main contents of electromagnetism include: experimental law of mutual interactions of charges, the nature of electrostatic fields, conductors and dielectrics in electrostatic fields, the basic law and its applications of the DC circuits, the experimental laws of interaction of electric currents, the nature of the constant magnetic fields, motion of charged particles in a magnetic fields, the transformation of electromagnetic fields between different systems of reference, electromagnetic induction and the transient process, magnetic media, the basic law and its applications of the AC circuits, Maxwell electromagnetic field theory and electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic unit systems.
In this course, we shall introduce the elementary mechanics to the first year physics-major undergraduate students. The following materials are covered: The motion of a single particle in terms of the Cartesian coordinates and the polar coordinates. Galileo’s relativity principle; Dynamics, including Newton’s laws, equation of motion, inertial frames and the center of mass for many-particle systems; The momentum conservation theorem and collisions between two particles; The concept of potential energy and the energy conservation theorem; The angular momentum conservation theorem and the motion of a particle in a central field; The motion of a rigid body, including its rotation about a fixed axis, its planar motion as well as the definitions of the inertia tensor and the principal axes of inertia; The basic knowledge of liquid such as the concept of the fluid velocity field, the equation of continuity, ideal liquid and Bernoulli’s equation; Oscillations and waves, including the harmonic oscillation, the damped oscillation, the forced oscillation under friction, the elastic waves such as the transverse plane wave in solids and the longitudinal sound waves in gas, the Doppler effect, the reflection of wave, the standing wave and the wave equation; The special theory of relativity, including the Michelson-Morley experiment, the Lorentz transformation, the dilation of time, the transverse Doppler effect, the concept of the space-time vector, the space-time vector form of momentum and energy for a single particle and the Einstein energy-momentum relation.
In the meantime, we shall also help students on making a smooth transition from their high-school experience to the college style of reading and thinking as quickly as possible. That is extremely important for their future success in research.
This course is target for the students with quantitative background, such physics, chemistry, and geology, to systematically learn how study the thermal physics properties of a system (gas, liquid, or solid) with large number of microscopic particles. Through analyze some basic physics phenomena, it introduce the thermal physics properties of the system, and the basic methods to analyze the system, such as statistic physics. The course also introduce basic principles of thermal physics. The main contains of the course include: the concept of equilibrium state and state equation; temperature and 0th thermodynamic principle; energy conservation and 1st principle of thermodynamics; the concept of entropy and 2ed principle of thermodynamics; transportation property of gas and its microscopic explanation; the microscopic model of idea gas; Maxwell velocity distribution and speed distribution, Boltzmann distribution, freedom dimension and energy distribution in freedom dimension, the microscopic explanation of 2ed principle of thermodynamics; first and second order of phase transition; molecular force and non-idea gas, etc..
Atomic physics is the subject that studies the microscopic structures and relevant interactions of matter. Based on the preliminary knowledge of quantum mechanics, the course is aimed at introducing the structures and spectra of atoms and molecules, as well as the structures and properties of nuclei, and the concept of fundamental particle physics.
"Electrodynamics" is an fundametally important theory course for undergraduate students majored in physics. The course systematically teachs the basic rules of electromagnetism, properties of electromagnetic field and its interaction with charged matter. The course also includes an introduction to special relativity.
The major contents of the course include: The energy momentum tensor of electromagnetic wave, Maxwell equation and Lorentz equation; Variable separable method, mirror-image method in solving static electric and magnetic field, Green`s function method; The concept of gauge transformation and electromagnetic gauge invariance and their physical meaning; Propagation and radiation of electromagnetic field; The interaction between a moving electrically charged particle and elctromagnetic field; Special relativity, it historical background and experimnetal facts, fundamental priciples of special relativity and Lorent transformation, space-time theory of special relativity; The propagation, dispersion and dissipation of electromagnetic field travelling in the medium.
The course focuses on the discussion on the well-posedness and methods to solve various type problems of partial differential equations. The main topics of this course include the derivations and well-posedness of various type problems of three classical partial differential equations, method of characteristics curve, methods of separation of variables, Bessel functions and Legendre functions and their applications, method of Green functions, method of integral transformation
The purpose of this course is to guide students into the fascinating microscopic scales world of quantum physics. We will learn the basic physical principles and basic mathematical tools of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, and this simple basic theory is applied to a variety of interesting physical phenomena. The course content includes: kets and bras from Dirac, Schrodinger equation of motion, the Heisenberg equation of motion, mechanical observables and representation transformation, collapse of measurement and uncertainty principle. Here, we also will learn to solve one-dimensional potential well, harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom and two-level system, time-independent perturbation theory, variational method, time-dependent perturbation theory.
The course focuses on the basic theory of complex variable functions. The main contents include: complex numbers and the complex plane, complex functions and analytic functions, integrals, harmonic functions, the series of analytic functions, residues and its applications, analytic prolongation, the gamma function, conformal mapping, Laplace transformation.
"This course is set for the students with physics major of the School of Physics, but also can be reference for students with other physics class of majors. On the basis of Calculus (calculus of one variable and several variables, power series and Fourier series, ordinary differential equations, vector analysis, linear algebra), this course focuses on the basic properties of analytic functions and its applications, including the Γ function, integral transform and δ function, and on preparing for the relevant physics theory courses.