应用社会学(英语:Applied Sociology)是社会学的应用科学,从本体论上讲,应用社会学是实用主义与社会科学的完美结合。作为一名职业,做一种工作,应用社会学被描述为社会工作、职业社会学。
比较社会学(Comparative sociology)泛指社会学分析,从中把各国及不同类型的社会作详细比较。譬如,把资本主义的社会跟社会主义的社会作比较。
政治社会学(英语:Political sociology)是结合政治学和社会学的跨学科产物,主要研究对象是社会与政治之间的互动关系,以及政治权威的产生及其对社会的影响
历史社会学(Historical sociology)是一门新兴的社会学分支,其主张者强调对社会现象的研究必须考量历史的面向及因素,社会现象本质上就是历史过程中社会互动的结果。从学术典范变迁的角度来看,二十世纪六十年代以后这门分支在美国社会学界的兴起是对当时占主流地位的结构功能论与抽象的量化研究法的一种深刻的反省与批判,为解决帕森斯主导的现代化理论对历史不够重视的困境,社会学家如赛达·斯科次波(Theda Skocpol)主张返回到更重视历史的欧陆古典传统,但以韦伯跟马克思的思想遗绪为主,相形之下涂尔干或托克维尔的传统被忽视。从跨学科交流产生的影响来看,当时在历史学界中新社会史跟新文化史的盛行也对社会学的历史转向有推波助澜之效,在方法跟主题上丰富了社会学家的历史想像。
科学社会学是关于科学这种现象的社会学研究,是社会学的年轻分支学科。科学社会学在英语中是the sociology of science,而不是the scientific sociology。这也就是说,当我们说起科学社会学时,并不是指社会学发展的一种状态和水平,不是强调社会学有科学的与非科学的之分,而是指出在社会学这个大领域中存在以科学为研究对象的特殊部门和领域。
经济社会学(Economic sociology)是以经济现象为研究主题的社会学次领域,是经济学和社会学的交叉学科。对于经济社会学的定义,早期的社会学家和经济学家都没有明确定义,直到1976年斯梅尔瑟才给出了一个明确的定义:“经济社会学是运用社会学的基本框架、变项和解释模型,研究同稀缺物品及服务的生产、分配、交换和消费有关的复杂行为。”
军事社会学(Military Sociology),运用社会学的理论研究军队系统的社会组织、社会关系以及军队与其他社会系统相互关系的社会学分支学科。
发展社会学(Sociology of development)是“研究发展中国家的现代化和社会发展的社会学分支科学”。
都市社会学(英语:Urban sociology),是社会学的分支之一,是以都市内社会结构、社会组织、社会心理、社会问题、社会发展规律等作为研究对象的科学。
Institutes :Huazhong University of Science and Technology
哲学博士,北京大学社会学教授、博士生导师,北京大学社会学系系主任。 [1]主要研究方向为社会学理论、社会发展与现代化。
Institutes :Peking University
Institutes :Peking University
Institutes :Peking University
The relationship between the economy and society, or between the economic and the social, is a theme that has long interested sociologists. This course explores the relationship between economy and society by asking what a sociological perspective brings to our understanding of economic processes and economic organizations.
Labor sociology is an applied sociological course aiming at analyzing structure, function and mechanism of workers’ social labor activities using sociological theories and methodologies. Main contents of Labour Sociology include five aspects according to the characteristics of workers’ labor activities: worker, occupation, work organization, labor relation and labor social problems .Research on Labour Sociology covers three main perspectives, from the mic-level , main research focus on workers’ attitude, behavior, quality, capability and socialization; workers’ occupational choices, career, mobility and occupational prestigue,etc. and their relation with social development; From Meso-level of organization, main research focus on work organization, labor relation, labor institution, organizational culture; From mac-level, main research focus on labor social problems and the relation of individual, organization and society.
This course examines the institutional framework of China’s rural society and its operation in practice. We will focus on the structural characteristics, social change, and challenges of rural society in modern times.
This is an overview of population and social demography intended to familiarize students with key concepts, major debates, and recent research. Topics will be a balanced mixture of academic interest, contemporary relevance, and policy concern. Along the way, the class will introduce methods and data sources used in the study of population and social demography. Readings will include academic publications that are examples of classic or recent work in key issues of population or social demography. Students should come away with the class with an awareness of the range of issues considered in population studies and social demography, a basic understanding of relevant data and methods, and an ability to read articles related to population in an informed and critical fashion.
Course Objectives
1 To help you clarify and expand your questions about social stratification, social
inequality, and social class;
2 to help you develop your own theory of class stratification;
3 to help you apply some of the concepts and knowledge of social stratification, social
inequality, and social class to your own life experiences;
4 to help you better understand changes in social stratification, social inequality, and
social class;
5 to encourage you to consider ways in which class inequality might be reduced; and
6 to encourage you to read critically, to think analytically, and to write clearly.
Urban phenomenon has been an very important part of human beings’ civilization. Along with the development of the urbanization in the whole world wide, the urban studies also gain its important role in the sociological study area. How the city phenomena grows up and falls, how the urban is constructed and works, how to put the urban life in a meaningful way and how to understand the future of city are the key topics of this course. This course will focus on the basic questions, important topics, major theories, and the basic method of study urban area, trying to make a general description and introduction of urban sociology.
This course attempts to teach and discuss the social thought of those main thinkers in Western history, so that students have a basic understanding of the generation and development of social thought in Western countries before the birth of modern sociology; to develop the student`s theoretical vision, so that students have an ability to sociological thinking in a broader theoretical and historical background. The Social thought of many great thinkers from ancient Greece to modern society will be taught and discussed in this course, including the Social thought of many great thinkers in the ancient Greek and Roman, the Social thought of many great thinkers in the Middle Ages and the Social thought of many great thinkers in the modern period.
This course examines the meaning and development of Chinese social thought in the context of Chinese society’s transformation and explores the native cultural resources for China’s sociological development.
This course is designed to introduce students to foundemental concepts, theories and methods in sociology. It will also focus on helping students to learn major topics and perspectives in sociological research in China and wordwide, strengthening their professional identity as well as building a sense of social responsibility
This course--Methods of Social Survey and Social Research is designed for finding and solving kinds of social problems, providing the basic principles、programs、methods and applications of social research methods.
The main methods of social science research are statistical survey method、Field study method、Experimental method and Method of literature. This course is going to leading students to study and use those four methods, setting up the basement of their future study of special fields in social science.
Matlab, SPSS, Pajek, NETDRAW