伊利诺大学芝加哥分校MPA (Master of Public Administration)招生信息_申请条件_入学要求-申请方
伊利诺大学芝加哥分校MPA (Master of Public Administration)招生信息已经公布,包含申请条件、入学要求、英语语言成绩要求、申请费用、申请所需材料等信息,帮助大家查找留学项目申请信息。Department of Public Administration, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
Tuition is determined by the University of Illinois at Chicago, and does change every now and then. You can always see the most up-to-date information on the Admissions website Detail information:(https://admissions.uic.edu/graduate-professional/tuition-fees), (https://registrar.uic.edu/tuition/grad/graduate-tuition-fall-2018-spring-2019)
Code:Institution code: 1851
TOEFL/ ILETS Scores: International students must submit TOEFL scores (institution code 1851) or qualify for a waiver. Test scores cannot be more than two years old
TOEFL/ ILETS Scores: International students must submit TOEFL scores (institution code 1851) or qualify for a waiver. Test scores cannot be more than two years old
Code:Institution code: 1851
If you wish to be considered for a research assistantship, must submit GRE scores) GRE scores (required for MPA applicants requesting program administered financial assistance; optional for MPA applicants who are not requesting aid) Submit scores to UIC’s institution code: 1851
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