植物科学是生物学的分支学科。是研究植物的形态、分类、生理、生态、分布、发生、遗传、进化的科学。在农学大类中 ...
1960年华中农业大学农学系毕业,1965年该校遗传育种专业研究生毕业。华中农业大学教授,现任作物遗传育种研究所所长. 在国内首次育成甘蓝型油菜自交不亲和系及其杂种;在国际上首先发现波里马油菜细胞质雄性不育,并被广泛应用于育种实践;育成华杂2号、3号、4号等优质高产杂交油菜在生产上推广,为中国油菜生产作出了重要贡献。
Grnegory B. Marti
康奈尔大学Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology系教授教授,研究方向集中在植物免疫,植物致病细菌以及植物基因组。在Nature genetics, Plant Pathology, Plant Cell, PNAS等知名杂志上发表数量可观的文章 .
作物遗传育种学家。江苏省无锡市人,南京农业大学作物遗传育种学教授、国家大豆改良中心主任。兼任中国作物学会副理事长、中国大豆研究会副理事长。曾任南京农业大学校长、八届全国人大代表、世界大豆研究会第五届常务委员。主要从事大豆遗传育种和数量遗传研究,发表论著430余篇册,并致力于国家大豆改良中心的创建。 2001年当选为中国工程院院士 .
Crop breeding is not only the science researching crop breeding principles, breeding methods and important traits, but also practical science greatly related to biological production. Crop breeding is a required course for agronomy specialty. This course systematically describes the breeding objectives, genetic resources, breeding methods (including selection breeding, cross breeding, heterosis utilization, mutation breeding, distant breeding and ploidy breeding, population recurrent selection, biotechnology utility in crop breeding, and so on), breeding methods for special traits (such as disease and pest resistance breeding, stress resistance breeding and crop quality improvement ) and seed production.
Plant protection is a discipline-based compulsory of turf science, which describing occurrence and control of plant diseases and insect pests. The outline of the professional teaching plans according to the requirements and training objectives of turf science includes the harm of plant pests in agricultural production, the principle of plant protection, which is the "prevention first, integrated pest management," it is necessary to master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills of plant pathology and entomology, as well as the major plant pest diagnostic methods , the occurrence and control methods. During the learning process, students should give their full initiative and enthusiasm to promote independent thinking and delve into the spirit of innovation.
Genetics aims to provide you with understanding of the law of heredity and variation of organisms. Consideration is given to the material base of heredity, the law of segregation, independent assortment and linkage and crossing-over; chromosome aberration, gene mutation, the relationship between gene and environment, quantitative inheritance, population genetics, gene, genome as well as gene expression and regulation.
Cell biology is in close relationship with other courses such as biochemistry, genetic, molecular biology and medical science. This course introduces the basic concepts and fundamental theories of cellular biology including the structure and function of membranes and cytoskeletons; molecular basis of cellular structure, organization, proliferation, and movement; differentiation and functions of specialized cell types.
Based on physiological and biochemical processes of plant development, plant physiology introduces the physical, chemical and molecular biological mechanisms in the processes. And it reveals the growth, development and differentiation rules of plant by studying the plant and the function of environmental condition.
Microbiology is an introductory course dealing with bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms. The contents will cover microbial morphology, reproduction, nutrition, growth, metabolism, genetics, mutation, pathogenicity, immune response, and practical application in industry and agriculture.
Introduction to the structure, diversity, and physiology of plants with an emphasis on evolutionary relationships and adaptations to life on land. Topics include growth, resource acquisition, interactions with other organisms (i.e., fungi, bacteria, insects), reproduction, and survival in extreme environments. Laboratory sessions provide an overview of plant and diversity and an introduction to basic physiological processes.